Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

On June 11, 2008, The Board of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (CIA) adopted a new Continuing Professional Development Qualification Standard (QS) and a CIA CPD Monitoring Policy. The new CPD QS is effective from June 11, 2008, with the first filing (based on the requirements of the CIA CPD Monitoring Policy) due on February 28, 2009, for calendar years 2007 and 2008.

To help those actuaries who would like to maintain their CPD data internally and then prepare a printed report for the CIA each year, I am enclosing a spreadsheet which contains my own CPD starting with calendar year 2008. The items shown in this spreadsheet can be used to help you prepare your own CPD report.

To view this spreadsheet, left click on the name of the file.

To save this spreadsheet to your own computer, right click on the name of the file, select 'Save Target As', chose a location and download the file.

Sample CPD, Excel Spreadsheet